We would like to thank the many people, organizations, and institutions who have made this Manual possible.
We would like to thank the many people, organizations, and institutions who have made this Manual possible. It would be impossible (in fact, it is impossible) to list everyone involved in building the Impact Economy. Just as it’s impossible to list everyone, across the country, who is using their professional lives in pursuit of solving common problems.
But we can thank those without whom the Manual could never have taken shape.
Thank you to Lexi, Lili, and Lynn, for listening to our never-ending re-wording of our chapters. Thank you to Julian, Thomas, Tice, and Taylor, for being (or pretending to be) so interested in what we’ve been up to for the past six months or so.
Thank you to the Tipping Point Fund on Impact Investing, and each organization that contributed to its formation. Without your questions, we would not have been able to generate these answers.
Thank you to John, for offering your words and wisdom.
Thank you to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for its ongoing leadership in the field of racial equity.
Thank you to Fran and John, for helping us push through to conclusion.
Thank you to Jade, for giving life and vibrancy to our words, with your art and artistry.
Thank you to Sonal, for giving us a start.
Thank you to Ron, Dave, Jackie, and Wayne. To Cathy, Ginger, Pam, Victor, Steve, and so many, many others for always taking calls, lending thoughts, and offering advice and guidance, whenever it’s needed.
Thank you to Christine and Clayton, for the perpetual generosity of time and spirit, for always encouraging the pursuit of new ideas, and for helping sharpen ideas already formed.
Thank you to Anne-Marie, Greg, Jim, Kris, Elizabeth, Robert, and Thomas for your many years of public service and leadership, for your mentorship and friendship, and for all of the small and uncelebrated acts of patriotism that made our work together so great.
Thank you to Lowell and Bill for your early and ongoing guidance and direction on this work.
And above all, thank you to you, the reader. For the work you do, and for the work you will do. And for your interest in doing the work to make impact a standard practice rather than a theory, and an expectation rather than exception. It is through your work, and your efforts, that the greatest outcomes of this project will be realized.
Mark, Howard, Rob, and Kate