
The North Star Exercise: A Tool To Start With

Here is a favorite and simple tool: it’s called the “North Star” Exercise.

If you currently have an issue you’re trying to address, we encourage you to complete the exercise now.

If you’re just beginning to get familiar with impact, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the basic concept now, so you’re ready to go when the moment is right. 

The “North Star” is your navigational beacon for any initiative. As its name implies, it’s the fixed point you can always reference, so you can be sure that you’re consistently moving in the right direction—that is, towards the impact you’re trying to create. At any crossroads or decision point, simply return to your North Star and ask, “Does what I’m doing now connect to the North Star I’ve defined?” If yes, keep going. If not, you’ll know it’s time to course-correct. 

The North Star exercise is, quite literally, the place to start when tackling a new challenge.

 Here’s how to map it out: In no more than three sentences (one sentence per question), answer the following for the initiative you’re launching or the policy you’re pursuing:


What are we trying to do?

This is the thing you’re trying accomplish.

How are we trying to do it?

This is the manner or means you’re using to accomplish it.

Why are we trying to do it?

This is the problem that you’re trying to solve.


You may be able to condense these answers into a single sentence (if so, great). You may stick with a single sentence for each. You may find that the single sentence initially requires some bullet points for explanation (that’s fine too).

Before you move forward, make sure you get down to three sentences or less.

It’s this level of clarity up-front that will make what comes next truly effective and impactful.